Saturday, May 23, 2009

Momma wouldn't like it

So let me tell you something about Montgomery. In this town, sometimes, we get drunk just to drive. As a wise man once said when questioned about this fact, "well, how else are we supposed to get home?" Well, tonight I was drunk enough to think it was a good idea to drive out to The Waters. Here's some facts about the Waters. Fact: it's a good ten miles at least from Montgomery. This doesn't sound like a lot until you think about the fact that there are no streetlights on the way out here, and you consider fact 2.

Fact 2: The Waters are probably haunted. This neighborhood is a nice Pleasantville esque kinda place, and therefore super creepy. Plus, when they built it, they had to move a civil-war era (or older!) graveyard and that is always super bad news. I'm always expecting a screaming disembodied head to pop up in the road and force me to crash. Whatever, without the ghosts, it's a nice kind of place. The kind of place you bring a blanket and a pretty girl to.

Well tonight I brought neither. It was Tim's birthday tonight, so happy birthday to him. He's finally 21, finally able to spend too much money on too little booze at restaurants and bars. Tonight I had just enough beer to be introspective, which is not a good thing. Maybe I should be out driving around still. It's so risky but it does make me feel better for some godawful reason. I'm not sure why. Anyway. I don't want to turn this into another weepy post but I'll say what there is to say and hopefully it'll turn out okay.

I guess that's all I've ever hoped, that things would turn out okay. I guess when I said I wanted to give it another shot I really did mean it. When I say things I usually mean them, really mean them. It doesn't matter if I'm drunk. I had to type that shit out and try my best with the spelling. If I hit send I really meant it. Who cares about the consequences? I've done some things that people have come down on me for, and damn it, the things I've done wrong have stuck to me. I deserved them and I paid for them.

So there it is. Hope for the best, expect the worst, right? Tonight all I can think about is what I left behind. Tonight there's not a thought for the future. Drinking and blogging was really a terrible idea. I guess the truth of it is, you have to decide what is real and what isn't for yourself. In this blog, you got what I want to say, what I meant to say, and what I couldn't say, and these three things are all things I said. You have to sort them out and decide what to believe and what to take with a grain of salt. But I guess in the end you have to believe that whatever I write I mean, I really mean. Whatever message I send, I'm trying my best, and I hope with all my soul that you can understand this dishonest heart of mine.

I understand more than just the jokes. The truth is there too. Hopefully, next time there will be less truth, and more jokes.

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