Thursday, May 14, 2009

On the way

I guess I need to be drunk and happy but I'm not really that drunk and I don't have any real reason to be happy. When I say that it sounds like I'm horrifically depressed but I'm not. There's just nothing really to smile about right now. Life's been kind of crappy, and that's just what happens sometimes. I hope to make an amusing drunk entry soon, after a good night with good friends and good beers. No more of this Keystone Light shit. When I was little the first beer I had that my dad let me have a sip of was Miller Genuine Draft. I grew up thinking all beers were that bitter and shitty tasting. When I have kids I'm going to let them have some Keystone and make sure they know that not all beers taste that crappy, but there's going to be a long stretch of time when all the beers they can afford will.

1 comment:

  1. drunk and happy are often times synonymous, the trick is to get other people drunk first so you have something to smile at while your intoxicating yourself.
