Wednesday, July 15, 2009

No Country For Bad Movies

So let's talk about something else for a change. Today was interesting, spent it with Ashley and Drew getting melted at the zoo, then drinking a bit and smoking hookah with them and the wujciks, where we tried to figure out some new names for matt and I's apartment. I'm feeling good about The Abattoir, he likes The League of Bad Decisions.

Anyway, I wanted to talk about No Country For Old Men. Maybe this is dated, but I think by now most people have seen the movie. Anyway, so it won Best Picture a couple years ago, but why? The movie is utter shit. If you've seen it, and enjoyed it, watch it again. This time, try to justify logically everything in the movie. If you still don't see a problem, ask yourself this simple question: Why didn't Llewelyn leave the state?

Maybe he did leave the state. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention. That's okay. Why didn't he leave the country? This is the single biggest hole in the movie. Why didn't he leave? Let's think about it.

1. He found over 2 million dollars. This is a lot of money. This is important in a second.
2. He dragged it out of the hands of a dying guy, surrounded by more corpses. This was his first sign that this money was fucking trouble, and this is important too.
3. He sent his wife away, realizing that the money was trouble, and that they were in terrible danger.
4. Despite this, he STAYS in the state. We're coming back to the money now. He has 2 million dollars in stolen money. It is in CASH. He has a truck. It would be a simple matter to buy a plane ticket, or just hop in his truck, and leave. As far as he knows, nobody knows he himself has the money (and beyond that, at first, nobody DOES know). Therefore, nobody could track HIM. If he left, that would be that.
5. It's not like he had a lot keeping him around. He lived in a trailer. He sent his wife away. He knew people were looking for the money.
6. Hell, why didn't he even take it out of the bag?
7. The hitman tracked the money not with some fancy gps device, but a thing that beeper more the closer he got. With this electronic version of "hot and cold," there was literally no way the dude could have found him if he did something as simple as not driving just ten miles down the highway and sitting in a hotel for three days.

Here's the thing. The first thing any rational person would have done after finding the money is count it. Hide it. Maybe put it in a different damn bag. Then skip town. Especially if you had a crappy life in a trailer. Especially if you KNEW the money was dangerous enough to send your wife away. Therefore we can only conclude that the main character was, in fact, mentally retarded. In this case, the whole movie is a case of "look what happens to people who totally have it coming" and is a wankfest over the hitman character, who is a "badass" despite doing things that make absolutely no goddamn sense for no reason. The coin flip game? What? Why? What did that establish? That he's a sociopath? That's cool, we knew that already cause he kills people for money. And what did Tommy Lee Jones even do? If I remember right all he did was find the guy who found the money at the very end, dead in his hotel room, and say "oh well that bitch totally deserved it" and then eat a donut.

No Country For Old Men blows.

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